Weekend Stories: Furniture shopping online | 34

It was a slow week, easing back into WFH life after a week off.

We are moving in three weeks. Our current apartment of three years has treated us well but I am excited for change as well as more space (only by 200 sq ft) and…a balcony! A luxury in Brooklyn standards.
We plan to update some furniture and it seems like I spent most of the day on Saturday browsing Facebook marketplace and Wayfair. I’ve also been decluttering spaces around the house slowly, generating some side cash selling books and miscellaneous items. Can’t complain.
N convinced me to get out of the house despite my hermit resistance to which I thanked him later while we were eating pizza in Carroll Gardens. It was a beautiful Saturday night and we leisurely strolled back after eating a whole pizza pie together.

No photos from Sunday. In summary, I woke up a bit earlier to do some yoga, more online furniture shopping, went out to Atlantic Ave for a Best Buy return, Vietnamese for lunch and assembled our new dining table we got for the new place.