Weekend stories | 1

Foggy Fort Greene Park, Olea and Book of Mormon

As we enter the new decade, I’ve decided to continue the “Weekend Stories” blog posts I used to write on my old blog when I lived in London back in the mid-2010’s (wow, why does that sound so long ago?).
It is nostalgic scrolling through those posts, to be reminded of the places and events that made up my experience living in London that I now seldom recall.

For the Weekend Series series, the number of photos will depend on what I like and want to show on here. I’ll not only write about the weekend, but also a retrospective of the week’s highlight overall.

The first weekend of 2020 started off foggy as Rosa and I walked through Fort Greene Park, after a morning workout, towards our brunch destination called Olea. It was also Rosa’s last day in NYC. It took a few days to adjust to the emptiness of the apartment since Angela and Rosa’s departure, heading back to their homes in London and Sydney. We spent Christmas and New Years together and it was a lot of fun having company, checking out new places in NYC, lazing on the sofa, watching random YouTube clips and K-Dramas (mostly Rosa’s) whilst admiring and praising Hyunbin’s perfectly chiseled face.

On Sunday, Nej made my favourite scrambled eggs that he always perfects with avocado and sourdough toast. We then made our way to Broadway to watch ‘The Book of Mormon’ that I got as a Christmas gift for Nej. Created by the South Park creators, it was hilarious, even for the second time – actually I think it was better. After braving the crowds of Times Square, we had tonkatsu curry at Go Go Curry for dinner and caught the Q back home.
I had bit of the Sunday Scaries at the thought of having to wake up before 9am (I was adjusted to my 9am alarm), however I did feel that I had a solid break by spending Christmas and New Years in New York City for the first time since I moved here in September 2016. Actually, it was really the best time to stay in NYC for the year-end, as I got to bring in the year 2020 in Brooklyn at Sofreh (a Persian restaurant which I highly recommend) with my closest friends and with my husband to-be.