Weekend Stories | 2

Spring weather in January, Persepolis and loner walks

Saturday was 22 degrees celsius, it felt like Spring in January and it was obvious at Fort Greene Park that no one was going to stay indoors on this unusually warm day in the middle of winter.

I decided to go for a walk alone and check out a secondhand bookstore called Unnameable Books in Prospect Heights. I didn’t buy anything there but I did get to explore the area, marking cute cafes on my Google Maps and taking photos.

I stayed home for the rest of Saturday and finished a graphic novel called “Persepolis” by Marjan Satrapi. It is about the author’s childhood in Iran during the years that saw the overthrow of the Shah’s regime, the Revolution and the horrifying effects of the war with Iraq.
I finished this in one sitting. I could not put it down. I highly recommend this for anyone as ignorant as me on Iran’s political history, or anything on the region’s itself, as this book is a good (and easy to understand) starting point.

Sunday was spent at a cafe nearby, Skype catchups, a walk around the neighbourhood and then Pho for dinner.

It is a long-weekend next week! I have made no plans at all but hopefully I can get some life admin done that I have procrastinated on for the past two weeks and have a nice relaxing weekend.