Weekend Stories: The usual |16

It’s funny how I started this ‘Weekend Stories’ series here with the plan to make the most of my weekends living in New York City. Now that I’m close to my fourth year living in this country, nothing really felt novel, nothing felt like it was worth trekking outside of the house for because I’d knew what to expect.
I wanted to change that and, instead, appreciate what the City had to offer or to simply find novelty by paying attention to the seemingly mundane with a different perspective.

Yet, alas, here we all are. There is a saying in Korean that says “피할수없으면 즐겨라” (loosely translated: if it cannot be avoided, then try to enjoy it).
And to that, I did. I tried. I established a wholesome morning routine which I am proud to say I am being consistent with. I have a workout app that I am following. I have this blog/”online journal” to take photos and write.

We are now entering the seventh week of quarantine and I can’t help but feel the days and weeks are feeling monotonous. I’m sure we are all feeling this way. But to combine the two aforementioned approaches, I will try to enjoy what cannot be avoided by being fully present when I am reading an interesting book, when I listen to the music from the piano keys I am playing or when N creates an upgraded pancake recipe that we get to have for breakfast on Saturday. It might even be the morning light I see cascading across the coffee table, the smell of the home-made cinnamon bun roll with a cup of coffee, the sound of birds chirping to indicate the start of Spring on my short walks or the feeling of my mind and body feeling refreshed after a 10-minute yoga session in the morning sunlight.

So although my Weekend Stories may not be about the latest restaurant or event I went to in NYC, or the overseas trip I went on over the long weekend, I’ll use this space to capture the simple joys in these unprecedented times and also enjoy the process of writing my self-indulgent musings on this blog.

To end, here are some photos I took on our walk around DUMBO (with our face masks on) on a warm Sunday afternoon.