Weekend Stories: In the time of Covid-19 in NYC|11

March 14-15 2020

So began the weekend after our first week of working from home due to the coronavirus outbreak in NYC.

Saturday breakfast recipe that can never go wrong.
After eating and lazing around watching some rabbit movie N had on Netflix,
I decided to go on a walk to DUMBO by myself whilst listening to Oprah’s SuperSoul Sunday podcast with Eckhart Tolle as the guest.

Here are some photos I took during my walk.
It was exciting to see hints of Spring!

You know you’ve been living in the city for too long when you get nostalgic and giddy standing and smelling the fresh cut grass in a park.
I walked a good 8.5km for three hours on a beautiful sunny day.
It was much needed exercise after days sitting and working from home.

N made french toast for breakfast on Sunday morning. It was so good.
The hint of cinnamon with maple syrup and cream was heavenly.

He also baked fresh bread in the morning. How did I get so lucky?

These three photos from Sunday are from my Ricoh GRII without any edits. My past blogs are from my iPhone 11, all edited. I might start using photos my Ricoh more on this blog.

After a decadent breakfast, N and I walked to Wegman’s where I popped by yesterday during my loner walk. I told him about this expansive supermarket near us and he wanted to check it out too. We bought groceries (and found toilet paper!) for the week as we were both going to be working from home.

The numerous tags we saw on the shelves at Wegman’s. Crazy times.

Afterwards, we sat outside the food market eating pizza and soaked up some sun. People, including ourselves, were religiously sanitizing their hands and some with industry-strength masks on.

It was announced that on Tuesday all restaurants and bars would be closed in NYC.
Sh*t is escalating here in this city.