Weekend Stories: Cycling to Coney Island on the long weekend | 21

I took the Friday off and had a four-day long weekend with Monday being Memorial Day.
It was a much needed break and I felt recharged after the weekend.

It was the usual routine on Friday and Saturday. I filled the day with things I wanted to do.
On Sunday, we went cycling to Coney Island and back.
We stopped by N’s childhood home and got to see the highschool he attended.
Brooklyn is such a huge, segmented area. When you cycle through it, you feel like you just passed through some imaginary wall. That’s how apparent the contrast is demographically.
We ate Nathan’s hotdogs and walked along the pier. We then cycled back, took a break at Prospect Park and had two other friends join us for Korean dinner. Our first reunion since the lockdown measure. NYC now allows up to 10 people to gather.

It was a very, very good idea to go on a Sunday to have Monday as the recovery day.
I will plan another long weekend, at least once a month.