Weekend Stories: Cycling around lower Manhattan | 20

The longer you work from home, the more sacred the weekends become.
You’re still at home, in the same place, but the sheer fact that you don’t need to login and have 48 hours to do whatever in that same environment feels liberating, as dramatic as that may sound.

Cycling is becoming a weekend ritual now. We cycled across Brooklyn Bridge and around the empty streets of Lower Manhattan.

It did feel eerie seeing the once-buzzing, now-desolate streets of Chinatown and SoHo.
Our first stop was Levain Bakery as they were still open for takeout. I stocked up on my favourite oatmeal raisin cookies.

We cycled up to Union Square, took a break there (I ate a cookie), got pizza at Joe’s Pizza and I had my first bubble tea in months!
The whole day felt like a reminder that I do, indeed, still live in New York City.
Sometimes, not only do you lose track of time, you also lose sense of the city you live in at large as you are confined to your home and neighbouring areas.

It was such a nice weekend, the weather was perfect and I got to try a Turkish breakfast dish called çılbır for the first time, prepared by my favourite person.

Later we went for a walk to Fort Greene Park. While N went running, I sat on a bench, in the sun and read my book.

We went back home and I made egg nigiri sushi with Shin black ramyun.
I’m enjoying these relaxing weekends and being outside in the warmer weather.