Weekend Stories: Brooklyn Bridge Park | 19

I’ve gained 2kgs.

Based on the evidence above, should I even be surprised that I’ve gained weight?
I read an article that we shouldn’t worry about gaining weight during the coronavirus pandemic. It said that will only add more stress to our lives. That exercise doesn’t really do much (running 30minutes only burns 260 calories, which at that point you can cut down on a muesli bar). It focused on diet, health and portion control.
Maybe I need to start tracking my meals, eat no carbs for dinner and try to eat non-processed foods as much as possible.

Saturday was the usual – studying, reading, baking (banana bread again) and a trip to Trader Joe’s at night.

On Sunday we decided to go for a bike ride to DUMBO and have a picnic to catch some sun. We packed our blanket, books and snacks. It was chilly in the shade but warm in the sun. Our spot for the afternoon was at Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier 3.