Weekend Stories: Books, naps and picnics on repeat|24

The end of the second week of June 2020.

Each day seems like a repeat of yoga, studying, working, reading, walking and then watching some T.V or YouTube clips.
On the weekend it’s the same without work, obviously, and usually it’s a nap in the afternoon or a picnic to eat and read outdoors.
I spent the whole Saturday reading ‘Bad Blood‘ by John Carreyrou . I couldn’t put it down and finished it by the end of the day. It’s just one of those books you read incredulously, in absolute disbelief that this happened in real life – recently! You’re unable to put it down because you want to know what will happen next and how it’ll end. It’s shocking to know that she got away with it for so long. It really makes me wonder whether America is a breeding ground for sociopaths, that is, self-serving people who have no conscience. I mean, just look at the White House and you already know of one there.
In my personal experience, I’ve met more of these types since moving to the States. It could be that the culture here reveres success associated with title and money, obsessed with status and fame, more so than in other countries. Thus, the ruthlessness in the conquest to reach such “success” is perceived as one’s level of ambition, a positive trait that is necessary to rise above the competitive landscape, notwithstanding the lack of conscience in their actions to get there. This observation has made me think twice about raising children here. We shall see.

My next read is a Korean book and the title, translated to English, is “I want to die but I want to eat ddeokbboki“.