Weekend Stories: Beginning of April|14

With bleaker news each day, our days continue indoors, in quarantine.
The lockdown measures have been extended until the end of April. This means the next four Weekend Stories posts will, more or less, look the same.

After a nice sleep in, N made us French Toast for breakfast. I kept telling him I felt like I was eating this at some swanky cafe for brunch but better.

The rest of the day was assigned as a much needed lazy-do-nothing-rest-and-nap day.
It was a busy week at work and, whilst trialing a new morning routine, I did not sleep in time at night, thus the missed hours of sleep really caught up. We flicked through Netflix and Hulu, I had a few naps, lounged around reading and eating.

With my batteries some what recharged, I woke up on Sunday with more energy.
What made it even better was N’s breakfast menu: Pancakes!

Finished a book and watered the green onion bulbs (I will provide weekly progress photos of the shoots growing).

Cleaned the apartment, worked out and then ate some fruits while I edited my next YouTube video (watch it here).

Felt so productive and good. To top it all off, N made homemade pizza for Sunday dinner, made from scratch with the dough he had set overnight. Absolute bliss. ‘Tis simple joys in life.