Weekend Stories: Bike rides in Brooklyn | 18

After several days of grey and gloomy days in a row, the sun was out on the weekend with temperatures reaching 23 degrees celsius!

After some quiet time in the morning, we decided to take our bikes out and cycled to Japan Village, which took us around half an hour one way.
We had our sunnies on and didn’t need to wear a face mask whilst cycling since we were moving and maintaining a six feet distance from people. I think I will definitely start cycling more. It feels much better than walking around with a face mask on.

I didn’t get to take many photos during the bike ride unfortunately. I was too busy soaking up the sun and taking in the Brooklyn scenery I haven’t seen in for so long!
Above is a photo of the goodies we bought – mostly snacks!

On Sunday I stayed home all day. We had breakfast and finished cleaning the apartment. It’s always better to get chores out of the way, get it over and done with, so that you can fully enjoy the rest of the day. We finished watching several TV series such as ‘Little Fires Everywhere’ and ‘Normal People’ on Hulu. I read both the books early last year, in months apart I think. Interesting how they also released it in a similar time frame.’Normal People’ was definitely the better T.V adaption.
The chemistry between the actors made you assume they were dating in real life (sadly they are not according to Google) and overall it was filmed intricately and intimately, both visually and emotionally. Towards the end, I felt like I just went on this tumultuous journey of a relationship with them and ended up thinking/feeling about it/them for the next few days.
I’m OK now though 🙂