Weekend Stories: Easter long weekend |15

It was the Easter long weekend.
I woke up at 8am on Friday and began the day with my usual morning routine.

Back by popular demand, made an easy egg sandwich for lunch.

Rolling around on a sunny Saturday morning after some chores.

Walks to the park with our masks on.

N made Turkish bread and we had a minced beef doner kebab spread! Delicious.

I was craving carrot cake during the day so I made it for dessert. We were so full.

We also had this for breakfast with tea and coffee. Very nutritious.

I need to step up my Japanese study plan. I go through Anki cards and read my manga book every morning but I will need to do more. Specifically, I need to receive more feedback on my progress. Dusted off some textbooks and signed up with iTalki.

This was Sunday dinner that I made. I am definitely gaining weight.