Weekend Stories: NYC in lockdown|12

Week 2 of working from home and the city is officially in lock down.

This was the first full five-day week of working from home.
My friends are tagging me on memes that say: ‘When you find out your daily lifestyle is actually in “quarantine”‘. Pretty accurate. No significant change for me ^^;;

It was nice working in silence in the comfort of my own home, preparing meals, going on (solitary) walks and continuing my homebody hobbies. I did notice Parkinson’s Law in effect and ended up working longer hours. This made me realize the importance of setting up a routine and creating structure, instead of feeling sluggish at the end of the day. I am writing this on a Tuesday and the past two days felt more balanced as I am more intentional with my daily routine.

In saying all this, I am grateful and very fortunate to have a job where I can work from home. I can’t imagine the level of anxiety people are going through with job losses, especially in a city like New York. It’s eerily empty and quiet here.

Saturday solitary walks over Brooklyn Bridge. We wanted to enjoy the sun and kept our distance from others. It was weird seeing the bridge empty midday on a sunny Saturday. Solitary recreational activities are allowed such as hiking, walking and cycling, with daily limits obviously. The one good thing about this is that we are entering warmer months. Maybe it’s time to take my bike out.

Sunday was a trip to Wegman’s again but this time we stocked up on groceries that should last us for a month. N made pizza from scratch and it was, of course, delicious.