Weekend Stories | 6

SLT, housewarmings, Prospect Park and the Oscars

A never-ending to-do list that keeps getting pushed back.
We did try to pickup some momentum.

Saturday: worked out and went to a housewarming.
Sunday: went to view an apartment, walked through Prospect Park and watched the Oscars.

‘Parasite’, a South Korean film, won 4 Oscars including Best Picture. The first non-English film to win the award was a South Korean film. These people who I grew up watching with at home with my parents (or Korean friends) were on the same stage as the Hollywood celebrities, giving their speeches in Korean.
If you had told me this 20 years ago as a teenager, I would have said you’re crazy.
Growing up, when kids would call me Chinese, I’d always have to correct them and say I was Korean, that not all Asians were Chinese. Yet, majority of them didn’t even know where South Korea was on the globe.
Fast-forward twenty years, here we are with South Korean groups performing at the MTV Awards, Korean beauty brands shelved at Sephora and Korean films winning the Oscars – and that’s only just a few to be noted out of the many fields.
So proud to be Korean.