Weekend Stories | 5

Korean BBQ, yoga and the Super Bowl

Fridays are turning out to be our treat night to go out for dinner.
We went to Nonya, a Malaysian restaurant in SoHo, and had a feast.
At times the weekday feels monotonous, four days clumped into one,
consisting of the office, the subway and then home.

Saturday morning was slow and relaxing. I had leftovers for breakfast,
we cleaned the apartment and then I embarked on my loner hobbies.
My friend and I went to K-Town for dinner to satisfy our K-BBQ craving.
Baekjeong, I would say, is not cheap but definitely the best value,
out of all the other places around there for its quality and set menu price.
You know when you’re so happy you want to get up and dance?
That’s how I felt while I was eating there. It was the perfect Saturday evening.

I realised if I don’t do yoga at least once a week, parts of my body start to ache,
in dire need of a stretch. I booked my 9am Sunday yoga class the night before,
so that I don’t sleep in and hermit. It was studio I’ve never been to before nearby
and I really liked it. The instructors name was Hannah, a palindrome, and she was saying that it was an auspicious day for her because the date was 02022020.
According to the news, it was the first palindrome date in 900 years! Pretty cool.

Afterwards, I went to a cafe where I did some life admin, mainly wedding planning. Friends came over to watch the Super Bowl and the half-time performance
was so much better than the previous years’ (Adam Levine was so cringe).
We were all amazed how Shakira and J.Lo looked in their 40s and 50s.

What a creative name XD