Weekend Stories | 3

First snow, brunch at Banter, spending the long weekend in Brooklyn

It snowed on Saturday, the first of 2020. It doesn’t snow as much now, well, compared to my first two years living in NYC when there were actual storms.
The first snowfall is always exciting, and there is an element of romance and charm as you walk through the city dusted in white.
We had brunch at Banter, one of my favourite Aussie brunch spots, as a reward after a deep clean of our apartment first thing in the morning.
Sunday and Monday was spent mostly at home, with friends and in Brooklyn.

I truly am a homebody, a happy hermit, as all the simple joys in life for me are found in the comfort of my own living room or a nice cafe – playing the piano, reading my book, drinking coffee from my Hasami porcelain cup, watching YouTube videos of other homebodies (Ondo and Hanaco are my top two channels), writing here or in my notebook and eating Nej’s homemade bread. That is how I spent my long weekend, just the way I like it.