Weekend Stories: A surprise dinner and outdoor dining| 31

On Friday night, we ventured out to Midtown, specifically K-Town, and was pleasantly surprised by the outdoor dining scene. No cars, cleaner streets, music on the streets and the smell of Korean food. I kept telling N how I felt like I was in the streets of Seoul!

We had dinner plans on Saturday night at my friend A and J’s place for, at least we thought, was A’s last dinner before she goes to Sydney for two months.
We arrived at their door and it turned out to be a surprise dinner for us!
I had mentioned in passing to A that we might just get married on our original wedding date and apply for a marriage license to do so.
Knowing that she won’t be here for the ceremony and that I won’t have family or friends in Sydney coming, nor a bachelorette party, A, J and S had prepared a surprise wollamssam dinner for us! I was so shocked – my friend said they saw tears, momentarily, glistening :’) I got to wear a bride-to-be sash thanks to them.

Sunday was spent enjoying the flower bouquet they had made for us.
Always grateful.